
全球十大赌钱排行app学院相信培养一个开明和包容的大学社区,激励人们为更美好的世界做出有意义的贡献. Carthage is committed to supporting diversity on campus. 的 following programs and initiatives reflect this commitment.


Anti-Racism Plan of Action

全球十大赌钱排行app’s anti-racism plan of action, 7月6日宣布, 2020, is the result of conversations across campus, builds on our work to date, and has three goals: To close our achievement gap in graduation rates; to expand resources for diversity, 股本, and inclusion work; and to infuse teaching of U.S. racial history into the curriculum for all 学生. 了解更多 about the Anti-Racism Plan of Action

多样性、股票 & 包容 Strategic Plan 2020-2023

During the 2018-2019 academic year, a committee of dedicated 教师, 工作人员, 学生, and administrators drafted the College’s first Diversity, 公平与包容 Strategic Plan. 该文档, completed and presented to President Swallow in June 2019, outlined a three-year plan to help shape a path forward toward enrolling, 保留, and graduating more 学生 from underrepresented groups from 全球十大赌钱排行app, and the promise of equal educational opportunity for all 学生.
See the DEI战略计划 2020-23


绿区旨在培训全球十大赌钱排行app社区的成员,让他们更多地了解军队附属学生所面临的问题和担忧,并确定他们在完成大学教育的过程中可以在课堂内外得到支持的方式. To better serve these 学生 at Carthage, this training will focus on the retention, 学术支持, and assets that these highly motivated 学生 bring to their Carthage education.
了解更多 about the 绿区倡议

Intercultural Development Inventory

跨文化发展量表(IDI)是唯一基于理论的跨文化能力评估. Carthage administers the IDI to 教师 and 工作人员 in the 股本 & 包括证书项目,以及通过ARISE项目的一年级学生.


全球十大赌钱排行app加入了全国第一个地区性的学院和大学联盟,致力于“公平的登月计划”,这是一项新的国家倡议,旨在到2030年缩小高等教育中的公平差距. 通过这一倡议,全球十大赌钱排行app正在朝着 确保更多有色人种和其他历史上服务不足的群体的学生从大学毕业.
了解更多 about 股权的登月计划


全球十大赌钱排行app提供性别包容的住房,因此居民可以在他们的住房分配中感到安全,尊重他们的性别认同和性别表达. 性别包容住房允许个人不分生理性别住在一起. 的 gender-inclusive floor is located in Madrigrano Hall. This floor will be available for 学生 who identify as LGBTQIA+ and allies. 在房间分配过程中,将优先考虑非二元性别和跨性别学生,努力为这些学生创造一个安全和支持性的社区. 了解更多

President’s Advisory Board for 多样性、股票 & 包容

2019年9月, President Swallow formed the President’s Advisory Board for 多样性、股票, 和包容, as recommended by the DEI战略计划. 的 Advisory Board consists of five 教师 and 工作人员 members and two 学生. 该小组负责监督学院的进展,因为我们寻求成为一个更加包容和公平的校园.

ARISE: Anti-Racism and Intercultural Seminar Experience

As part of Carthage’s Anti-Racism Plan, 从2020-21学年开始,我们将为一年级学生推出反种族主义和跨文化研讨会体验(ARISE). 崛起将包括两个学期的个人和关系成长过程,分为四个阶段, including the completion of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI). 学生将与指定的IDI公平教练一起工作-一名经过培训管理和审查IDI评估的全球十大赌钱排行app教职员工-开发一个具有学术和体验成分的跨文化项目.

订婚 & 包含中心

In fall 2020, Carthage opened the new 订婚 & 包含中心. This center serves as the hub for inclusive campus programming related to 股本 and inclusion; partners with community social justice organizations in Racine and 出赛 to form strong coalitions and support networks for 学生, 教师, and 工作人员; and delivers collaborative programming and training, such as Safe Zone LGBT training and anti-racism training. 中心本身, located in the Todd Wehr Center, is a space for 学生 to gather and is intended to facilitate a welcoming, 包容的校园.
了解更多 about the 订婚 & 包含中心

Black Student Union Scholarships

每年有两笔2000美元的奖学金颁发给黑人学生会的成员. 邀请学生在12月6日之前提交申请申请奖学金. 每年3次. 这项奖学金是由全球十大赌钱排行app学院的受托人艾伦·米尔斯(Alan Mills)于1979年创立的,以纪念他的朋友雷蒙德·斯雷克尔德(Raymond Threlkeld)和辛西娅·沃克(Cynthia Walker)的深厚友谊,以及他们在全球十大赌钱排行app和毕业后的职业生涯中表现出的领导力.
了解更多 about Black Student Union Scholarships

多样性、股票, 包容, Leadership (DEIL) Fellows Program Scholarships

全球十大赌钱排行app奖励15美元,500 多样性、股票, 包容, Leadership (DEIL) Fellows Program Scholarships to incoming 学生. 的se scholarships are renewable for four years. DEIL研究员计划通过志愿服务和学术卓越促进多样性和学生参与全球十大赌钱排行app. 奖学金获得者将通过参与校园活动分享他们独特的优势和不同的观点, in the classroom and through their participation in community service.
了解更多 about the DEIL Fellows Program

Wiggan-Kenniebrew: Scholarships and the Black 校友 Network

Carthage has two funds to support multicultural 学生. Both funds were established by the Wiggan-Kenniebrew Black 校友 Network. 的 Wiggan-Kenniebrew Endowed Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for multicultural 学生. 的 Wiggan-Kenniebrew 从实践经验中学习 Fund 为多元文化学生提供参与课外体验学习机会的支持,而不是通过学费资助. 的 Wiggan-Kenniebrew Black 校友 Network was formed at Carthage in March 2018, 以纪念第一批从全球十大赌钱排行app毕业的非裔美国男女学生而命名, 洛林一个. Wiggan ' 46和Alonzo H. Kenniebrew的54. 这群校友致力于为当前的有色人种全球十大赌钱排行app学生提供支持, 尤其是那些非裔美国人和那些支持非裔美国人社区的人.
了解更多 about the Wiggan-Kenniebrew Funds and Black 校友 Network

Bias Education 响应 Team

也是在2019年秋季, 全球十大赌钱排行app学院成立了一个偏见教育应对小组,仔细彻底地审查所有报告的偏见事件. 偏见事件是指基于个人或群体的真实性别或感知性别,或受其影响,针对个人或群体的言论或表达性行为, 种族/民族, 性取向, 宗教, 能力/ neuro-ability, gender identity/expression, 国家的起源, 军事/资深状态, 和/或年龄. 的 Bias Education 响应 Team determines an appropriate response. Interventions may include education, 恢复实践, 社区的对话, 纪律处分程序, and/or referral to local law enforcement. Although not every incident is a violation of College policy or law, all reported incidents are reviewed.
Read more about the Bias Education 响应 Team


全球十大赌钱排行app is committed to providing a learning, 生活, and working environment free from gender-based discrimination and sexual violence. 这适用于学术、教育、体育、住宿和其他学院运营的项目. Carthage complies with applicable state and federal statutes, 包括1972年联邦高等教育修正案第九条和校园拯救法案.
了解更多 about 第九条

股本 & 包容 Certificate Program

2016年12月开始, the 公平与包容 Certificate Program is designed to assist administrators, 教师, 和员工扩大和深化他们的跨文化能力,以促进一个积极的校园社区和气候,是公平和包容所有个人. 每年有几批15-25名教职员工完成为期一年的项目, engaging in 30-50 hours of professional learning experiences. 通过这个项目, participants 增强 their knowledge, 性格, and skills essential for 股本 and inclusion work; complete research-based, valid intercultural assessments; and develop a deeper understanding of the effects of stereotypes, 内隐偏见, 和microaggressions.
了解更多 about the 股本 & 包容 Certificate Program


Carthage participates in SafeZone, a national effort to develop, 增强, and maintain environments that are culturally competent and supportive to lesbian, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人. 全球十大赌钱排行app学院的“安全区”是包容的空间,为个人谁确定为LGBTQ+社区的一部分, and where all people can feel welcome and safe to talk about LGBTQ+ issues.
了解更多 about SafeZone培训

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